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5th FLW Workshop, November 2021, virtual/Italy

The annual series of regional FLW workshops was continued on November 4th, 2021 and dedicated to the respective G20 presidency country - which was Italy in 2021 - and the neighbouring region. The organisation team included FAO Rome (Italy), UN Environment (France), University Bologna (Italy), University Tuscia (Italy), RSC talent (Spain) and Thünen Institute (Germany).

The aim of the workshop was to support the delivery of SDG Target 12.3, halving food waste at retail, food service and household level, and reducing food loss across the supply chain as well as to facilitate the cooperation and network building among Mediterranean countries. Due to the pandemic, the length of the workshop was shortened to a one day virtual meeting.

The topics therefore have to focus on selected issues which have been identified as relevant challenges within the region:

  • Food Loss in Primary Production
  • Food surplus and waste from tourism activities as well as
  • Addressing Food loss and waste in educational campaigns

As the Mediterranean region is characterised by the influence of three continents and corresponding culture, policy, infrastructure, legislation and climate conditions, we invited contributors from all three subregions (Northafrican coast, West Asian coast and Southeuropean coast) to share their valueable knowledge on FLW prevention. The programme followed our strategy to enhance knowledge exchange and structured discussion among our participants in order to support action. Each session consisted of introductory plenary presentations to provide input on the specific session topic followed by group working guided by key questions. A final plenary session was scheduled in order to allow a broader discussion of the interrelation of the three session topics and the context to other levels of the food supply chain and to summarise the results.

Please find here the agenda, the summary and some photos below on this page.

In total, 90 stakeholders from national and local policy makers, universities, private and public research institutions, social welfare organisations, food companies, waste management companies and consultants from 27 different countries joined us and shared their valuable experiences!

The presentations are embedded within the following agenda which can be unfolded by clicking!

November 4th, 2021
08:30 - 09:00                     

Participants online arrival

09:00 - 09:30

Welcome address

chair: Mr Stefan Lange (Thünen Institute/Germany)

Mr Stefan Lange (Research Coordinator of Thünen Institute/Germany)
Dr Benedetta Dell'Anno (Ministry of Ecological Transition/Italy)
Dr Rosa Rolle (Senior Enterprise Development Officer/FAO)
Ms Clementine O´Connor (UNEP)
Prof Andrea Segrè (Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University Bologna)
Prof Simone Severini (international relations, University Tuscia)
Ms Sonsoles Jiménez (RSC talent/Spain)

09:30 - 11:00

Session 1: Food losses in primary production

chair: Dr Rosa Rolle and Ms Carola Fabi (FAO Rome)

.) Food Losses in agricultural businesses – experiences from practice by Ms Sonsoles Jiménez (RSC talent/Spain)
.) Food Loss and Waste in the Wheat value chains of Egypt, Jordan and Morocco by Dr Yigezu Yigezu (ICARDA/Egypt)
.) Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts Assessment on Farm Food Losses – examples from Northafrica by Dr Ali Abd Elrahman Abou Hashima Abd Elrahman (Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University/Egypt)

questions and answers

3 parallel working groups:
.) group 1A facilitated by Prof Katia Lasaridi & Dr Christina Chroni (Harokopio university/Greece)
.) group 1B facilitated by Ms. Sonsoles Jiménez (RSC talent/Spain)
.) group 1C facilitated by Dr Ron Porat & Dr Victor Rodov (Volcani Center, Department of Postharvest Sciences/Israel)

11:00 - 11:15                    

Coffee break

11:15 - 11:30                    

Wrap up of session 1 by working group moderators

11:30 - 13:00

Session 2: Food surplus and waste from tourism activities

chair: Dr Clara Cicatiello (University Tuscia/Italy)

.) Redirecting food surpluses from cruise ships – experiences from the European Food Banks Federation in European Mediterranean countries by Ms Angela Frigo (Secretary General, European Food Banks Federation)
.) Transforming Food Waste from Tourism to animal feed by Ms Fenia Galliou (School of Agricultural Science, Hellenic Mediterranean University/Greece)
.) Quantification of Food Waste from all-inclusive resorts - the case of Turkey by Dr Bendegul Okumus (Assistant Professor, UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management/USA)

questions and answers

3 parallel working groups:
.) group 2A facilitated by Ms Irene Ripamonti (Fondazione Banco Alimentare/Italy)
.) group 2B facilitated by Mr Stefan Lange (Thünen Institute/Germany)
.) group 2C facilitated by Dr Mohamad G. Abiad (Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, American University of Beirut/Lebanon)

13:00 - 13:45                    

Lunch break

13:45 - 14:00                    

Wrap up of session 2 by working group moderators

11:30 - 13:00

Session 3: Addressing Food loss and waste in educational campaigns

chair: Dr Claudia Giordano (University of Bologna, Italy)

.) Roll out Do Good: Save Food! educational materials in Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Turkey and France by Ms Oksana Sapiga (FAO Europe and Central Asia) & Mr Thomas Candeal (International Food Waste Coalition/Belgium)
.) Impact of digital campaign on student perception and attitude toward food waste by Dr Sarra Jribi (Department of Agri-food Industries, National Institute of Agronomy of Tunesia/Tunesia)
.) Awareness raising campaign towards bread waste reduction – a private driven activity from Palestine by Dr Iman AlHirsh (Jerusalem center for Women, Jerusalem Suburbs Directorate Education/Palestine)

questions and answers

3 parallel working groups:
.) group 3A facilitated by Dr Laura Rossi (head of the food waste observatory, CREA/Italy)
.) group 3B facilitated by Dr Sharif Muhammad (Sciences and Technology Sector, The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO)/Morocco)
.) group 3C facilitated by Dr Hanen Ben Ismail (Department of Agri-food Industries, National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia/Tunisia)

15:30 - 15:45                    

Coffee break

15:45 - 16:00                    

Wrap up of session 3 by working group moderators

16:00 - 16:30

Session 4: Plenary discussion

chair: Ms Carola Fabi (FAO Statistics, Italy)

.) Discussing the outcomes of the sessions 1 to 3 in plenary round
.) Identification of urgent issues which should be addressed in the region

16:30 - 16:45                   

Wrap up, family photo and closing remarks




Pictures from 5th FLW Workshop, November 4th, 2021, Italy

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